今年決定送女兒到外地讀書,由地點選擇至選科,aec的教育顧問Phoebe一直很用心和耐心向我們講解。到了第二階段決定了到澳洲和選好科目,要辦理各種手續到澳洲升學, Phoebe真的不厭其煩地幫我和女兒解決各種問題,以及處理各樣文件!真的感謝她的耐心幫助,絶對要給她一個讚呢! 好了!現在一切都辦妥,就等女兒過去澳洲 Queensland University of Technology (QUT) 讀書,真的好多謝她 ❤Read More
Ever since 2016, I started to think of studying abroad. I chose Australia because I used to live there and it’s a nicer area in terms of safety and living standards compared to the US or the UK. I currently study pharmacy at Monash University in Melbourne. Studying here has changed my perception of learning....Read More
My son and I had visited “aec” through an exhibition about the universities at South Australia, Adelaide. At the exhibition, I knew the environment and the entry requirement of the Universities in Adelaide. I finally picked “aec” because of their staff as well as their initiative helpfulness. In particular, I would like to mention Phoebe,...Read More
I am writing to express my gratitude and appreciation to aec Education Consultancy, especially Ms. Phoebe Sung for her assistance and profession advices in choosing university and major. The hardest thing for me is choosing a suitable environment and university for the further study. I was so perplexed at the beginning. However, with the help...Read More
早在小女中四的第一個學期,我們就開始籌備外國升學的事宜。適逢AEAS於3月10日舉辦展覽,我們亦順應參加。慶幸在會場與「aec教育顧問」的Whisky Man 會面,展覽非常有資訊性,令我了解更多,而且亦有機會即場與心儀學校面試。 與Whisky分析之後,我們選擇了三間合適的澳洲墨爾本中學作申請。由選擇學校、 辦理報名手續、視像面試、簽證申請、驗身、安排英文預備班等,Whisky都耐心解釋及協助我們,更為我們與學校當橋樑,溝通細節上的難題。特別感謝Whisky全程的陪伴,一切非常順利和令我們安心。 小女很快就適應了澳洲的生活,她現時就讀Kardinia International College。當地人很友善,在生活上感受到溫暖,而且澳洲中學校舍大、環境好、設施多,令人歡喜。很幸運找到aec Education Consultancy這間有實力,又富人情味的中介處理小女升讀澳洲中學事宜,整個過程給予我們莫大的幫助。感激! Mrs YuenRead More
I am studying in Curtin University in Australia. It was truly a warm experience having “aec” to help me in choosing my university. When I first came to “aec” to ask for advice, I had no clear direction in my future path of higher education. I was confused and clueless with choosing a suitable university...Read More
I am writing to recommend my education consultant, Whisky. My daughter is studying Immanuel College in Adelaide and she has settled well in Australia. The homestay is excellent. They take good care of my daughter and she is also getting on very well with another 2 homestay girls. At the beginning, I have no knowledge...Read More
After graduating from high school, my family and I wished to study in Australia. I met Emily from “aec” with my friend’s recommendation. Emily is very helpful and friendly. She provided so much information and explained in detail. She always keeps me updated with my visa application. With the help of Emily, I got offered...Read More
I started to find “aec” for providing education consultancy since 2017. Three years passed away and now I am graduated from Griffith University in Australia. I really appreciate my consultant ‘Samentha Tang’ for giving me the advice at the beginning. Samentha suggested two universities to me, which are the Griffith University and the University of...Read More
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